
Looking Back: Libra’s Regrets – Times of India


Regrets are like sad memories that stick with us. Libras, who are known for being fair and balanced, also have things they wish they could change. Let’s talk about some of those regrets:
Libras have a good sense of what’s right, but sometimes they don’t listen to their gut. Instead, they try to see the good in everything, even when they know something isn’t right.Later, they wish they had trusted themselves more.
Libras are always there for others, but sometimes they forget to take care of themselves. They put everyone else’s needs before their own and end up feeling empty inside. They regret not taking more time for themselves.
Libras don’t like conflict, so they often avoid facing problems head-on. They keep quiet to keep the peace, but deep down, they wish they had spoken up when they had the chance.
Libras are thinkers. They like to consider all their options before making a decision. But sometimes, they think too much and miss out on opportunities. They wish they had just gone with their gut feeling instead of overthinking things.
Libras care a lot about what others think of them. They seek approval and validation from others to feel good about themselves. But later on, they realize they should have believed in themselves more instead of relying on others.
Libras are good at keeping relationships balanced, but sometimes they forget to appreciate the people in their lives. They regret not showing their loved ones how much they mean to them until it’s too late.
Libras are creative souls, but they often hold back from pursuing their passions. They worry about failing or what others might think. Looking back, they wish they had taken more risks and followed their dreams.
Thinking about these regrets can help Libras learn and grow. By acknowledging their mistakes, they can make better choices in the future. They can learn to trust themselves more, take care of themselves, and follow their dreams without worrying about what others might think. It’s never too late to make positive changes and live a life that’s true to who they are.

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