
From maintaining cleanliness to placing mirror at the right position: Vastu tips for a romantic bedroom


Imagine that you and your partner, after a long day, finally relax in your bedroom. You want to spend some quality time together. But what if that room is filled with positive and helps you get closer to your partner? Well, this can be possible by the help of Vastu Shastra. In this blog, you’ll explore the Vastu Tips for Your Bedroom to Rekindle Romance.However, an understanding about Vastu practices is necessary.

Best direction for couple bedroom

The most auspicious direction for the bedrooms of couples is between the North and North West. For newly married couples, the North West is the best direction. Don’t let clutter pile up around the bed.

Maintain cleanliness

Maintain cleanliness in the bedroom. Avoid putting any object under the bed. Keep the place clutterfree.

Vastu Paintings

Avoid adding paintings representing single figures, instead, place the paintings of couples, so that your bond will stay strong and unbreakable. Don’t keep any religious pictures in the bedroom. Also, avoid keeping paintings of war and fights.

Placement of Mirror

Before going to sleep, you must hide the surfaces that reflect the bed. Things like TVs, mirrors, or any other reflective surfaces should be covered. Because it can cause the invasion of a third person into your relationship which further causes harm to your relationship.

Color Schemes for Couple Bedroom

Use light colored paint schemes for the bedroom. Soothing colors like pink, white, colors are very beneficial. Also, you can add lights near your bed. They help bring you and your partner closer and enhance the ambiance.

Significance of Fragrance

Keep nice-smelling flowers and plants in your bedroom. It reduces negativity and promotes positive energy. Also, you can light some fragrant candles to keep bad energies away. Don’t keep fake flowers in the bedroom.

Avoid Beam

Make sure there’s no beam directly above your bed. Because a beam restricts positive thoughts. This is why the mind clouds with negativity.

For a Romantic Conversation

When you are indulging in a romantic conversation with your partner, then you should face towards the North West or North direction.

Crystals for Love

Keep soothing crystals in your bedroom. For example you can keep crystals like rose quartz and amethyst in the room for good vibes.

Important Vastu Tips

*Don’t leave any sharp objects lying around in the bedroom.
*The door of your room should open easily and quietly. Because if any noise comes from your door it causes irritation and negativity as well.
*Choose wall colors that are light and make you feel relaxed, like soft pink, light blue, or lavender. They make the room feel more loving and peaceful.
*Don’t put your bed right under the window; it can mess with your sleep.
*Your bed shouldn’t face the door straight on. It’s better for a healthy relationship.
*Try not to have things like TVs or computers in your room. They can take away the calm feeling and make it hard to sleep.
*Your room shouldn’t share a wall with the bathroom. It causes negativity.
*Make sure no furniture corners are pointing at your bed; it can cause unnecessary stress.
*Have cozy bed sheets and pillows to make sure you and your partner sleep well and feel close. Colors like light blue, white, pink, grey are the best.
*Also, avoid the placement of dishwashing sinks and gas stoves in a linear pattern because fire and water elements cannot thrive together.

This article is written by, Ahmreen Usmani, a Vastu expert from the All India Institute of Occult Science, founded by Gurudev Shrie Kashyap.

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